Target | Upper & Lower Abs
Sit inside the machine with your back flat against the pad. Hook your feet under the ankle pads and secure the shoulder
pads firmly over your upper torso. Grasp the handles with both hands.
With your head in a neutral position and eyes focused forward, crunch your upper body forward while simultaneous ly lifting your legs toward your upper body. Hold the peak contraction, then return to the start. Don’t allow the weights to touch down between reps, to keep constant tension on your abs.
SETS + REPS | Do three sets of 10 reps the first
week. Over the course of the next five weeks, add
one plate (about 10 pounds) each week (so that
by Week 5 you’ve added four plates), still trying to
reach 10 reps but doing as many as you can.
Target | Upper Abs

bent and feet flat on the floor. Grasp the rope with a neutral grip, placing your hands by your ears and locking your arms in this position for the duration of the set. Contract your abs to curl up as high as you can, squeezing at the top, then lower to just short of your shoulder blades resting on the floor between reps.