Changing routines can reap big rewards.

With this, our inaugural digitalonly issue, we are bringing you workouts that will have you thinking, and training, outside the box (except for our CrossFit routines, for which you’ll want to be in a “box”).
While M&F’s bread and butter is the kinds of workouts that are performed in a traditional gym, with weights and cables and machines, there is a wealth of training options available to you, some which have you outdoors, some that involve using only your body weight for resistance, and others that incorporate nontraditional equipment, like suspension straps, bands, and balls. In M&F we often talk about busting through plateaus, which result from our bodies’ obsession with homeo stasis. Our bodies like stability, which is why it adapts to stresses placed upon it in the gym by building muscles that can handle those stresses. However, when the same stresses are placed upon the body day-after-day, weekafter- week, month-after-month, the body stops adapting and works to maintain what it’s built and you stop progressing. This is when trying a totally different training protocol can reap big rewards. If your body is used to a steady diet of deadlifts, squats, and preacher curls, imagine the shock to the system it will get from one of these nontraditional workouts. After trying one for a few weeks, I guarantee that you'll be enjoying your old routine more, and see a spike in growth.