Serious about getting lean sooner
rather than later? This supercharged
program combines lifting
and cardio to melt away pounds of
body fat in just four weeks.

The weightlifting will consist of three
exercises each for biceps and triceps.

This method is great for adding volume and intensity to your workout, which are hallmarks of this program. Perform all the other exercises for biceps and triceps in straight-set fashion.
As you’ll notice, nearly every exercise (one exception being buddy curls) will consist of three to four sets of reps ranging from 6–20. Go heavy on your first set to hit the low end of this range, then progressively lighten the load so you’re doing 20 reps by your third or fourth set. This makes your muscles work with heavy, moderate, and light weights, all in the span of minutes for each exercise,which keeps your body guessing and less likely to adapt to a constant resistance.
The cardio routine planned for Mondays will be repeated on Thursday and Friday each week, and it represents the most intense sessions you’ll do over the course of the program. It consists of three elements: 1) one-minute intervals of jumping rope, 2) 30-second intervals using a heavy rope, and 3) 50 reps of bench jumps, 25 to each side of the bench. Perform this circuit 10 times through for an intense cardio workout that’ll melt away body fat. Each week, increase the volume of each move: Add a minute to each jump rope interval, 30 seconds to each heavy rope bout, and 10 reps to each set of bench jumps.
Your second session of the week is leg day. And we’ll be honest: It’s high-volume, very intense work. The workout consists of basic compound exercises, such as squats and leg presses, and three different supersets to hit the largest muscles of the lower body—the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. A couple of novel exercises, the barbell crawl and jump squat, are thrown in to provide a further shock to the body.

The cardio session (either a walk on a treadmill or stair-stepper) will be low in intensity and long—two hours long, to be exact. This serves as a drastic change of pace from the high-intensity cardio work you do on Monday, Thursday, and Friday
and that’s just the point. Your body will burn more fat by training at both high and low intensities.
The lifting on these days will be minimal, only abs and calves with six sets total for each. Feel free to keep your rest periods short between sets (30–45 seconds) to move the workout along quickly.

For traps, in addition to dumbbell shrugs, you’ll do the strongman exercise known as the farmer’s walk.

(To ensure that your hands and forearms don’t go first, you may want to use wrist straps.) But make no mistake, the farmer’s walk involves myriad other muscles, from the upper back to the legs, making it a great calorie burner that’s ideal for this program.
And there you have it—the perfect combination of no-nonsense lifting and fat-blasting cardio. For the next four weeks, you’ll subject your body to a multitude of training intensities and durations—the best of both worlds. Get ready to get lean in a hurry.