Do this workout once or twice a week as a supplement to your regular gym sessions — each move is designed to target the weak spots you might miss otherwise. The recommended reps are designed with a moderately tough band in mind.
Sets 4 Reps 10 each arm
● Hold one end of the band in one hand with your arm locked out in front of you, as if you’re holding a bow.
● Wrap the other end of the band around your other wrist and pull it back across your chest. Hold for a second, and then release the tension under control. Resist the temptation to twang the band across the room.
Sets 4 Reps To failure
● Loop the band across your back, holding one end in each hand. Take a staggered stance.
● Press the band out, keeping your hands in line with your shoulders.
● Release the tension in the band slowly.
Sets 4 Reps To failure
● Stand on the loop of the band, and hold it with an overhand grip, palms facing your thighs.
If your forearms are burning, it means you’re doing this properly.
Sets 4 Reps To failure each side
● Hold one end of the band in one hand with your arm by your side and hand by your waist.
● Pull the other end of the band just above your shoulder, then press it overhead. Lower under control. Keep your lower arm as close as you can to the start position.
Sets 4 Reps 10
● Stand in the loop of the band, and then twist it into an X, making sure there’s tension in the whole band except at the top of the X.
● While holding the top loop, shuffle to one side, then to the other, then return to the start to complete one rep. If you’re doing this move properly, you’ll feel it in your glutes.
● For better (read: more excruciating)
results, lower into a half-squat as you
do the move.