Target | Obliques
Stand about two feet away from a cable stack, your right shoulder facing the pulley.
Attach a D-handle to the high cable and grasp it with an underhand grip, bending your arm about 90 degrees and locking it in this position for the duration of the set.
Using your obliques, crunch down laterally as far as you can,
holding the peak contraction briefly. Complete all reps for one side, then switch sides.
Target | Upper Abs, Obliques
Stand erect with your feet outside shoulder width and knees slightly bent alongside a high-pulley cable (with a D-handle or I-handle attached), your right shoulder facing the pulley.
Keep your arms straight but unlocked throughout the set.
Rotate your torso at the waist to the left by contracting your left obliques, pulling the handle down in an arc across your body to a position just below your knee.
Keep your left arm as straight as possible. Return and repeat for reps. Do both sides.