Businessman Barry Alford recently made
the best deal of his life: trading absolute
strength for maximum muscle growth.

AS A FREE SAFETY FOR Arizona State University, Barry
Alford trained for performance, squatting 550 pounds, benchpressing 455 pounds, and hitting 325-pound power cleans. But postgridiron, Alford kept lifting heavy into his 30s and eventually suffered a herniated disk in his back.
At age 40, the Westwood, CA, resident joined Gold’s Gym in Venice and started training with IFBB pro Chris Cormier, a decision that changed his entire outlook on training and strength. 
“I started using time under tension [TUT] training with lighter loads, meaning each rep has an explosive concentric movement with a negative that takes seven to 15 seconds,”
Alford says. “It’s been a game changer for me, and I’m very happy with how I feel.
” Taking more time with his reps has allowed Alford to get more work out of his muscles using lighter loads, relieving his joints and keeping the stress of the lift squarely on his muscles for greater stimulation. The 6-foot, 200-pounder trains five times a week. Alford cycles his carbohydrate intake, eating zero carbs for 2.5 days, and then loading up during the latter half of Day 3 with white rice and baked potatoes. Although Alford may have a model’s workout regimen, he’s actually a thriving entrepreneur, serving as the
president of his own international fragrance company, Alford & Hoff (available at—and no, it doesn’t smell like sweat! “We all have our priorities and excuses,”
Alford says. “Make time for living a physically fit lifestyle.”