How did you develop the ability to focus
on achieving so many disparate goals?

A lot has been made of my drive and ability to focus on a number of different goals simultaneously.
Some assume it’s a skill I was born with, but like almost everything else in my life, my powers of concentration came by way of hard work and practice. Specifically, the practice of transcendental meditation (TM).
For those who aren’t familiar with it, transcendental
meditation is an Eastern practice that combines clearing one’s mind of all thoughts, practising deep breathing,
and chanting mantras to put oneself in a calm yet focused state.
Transcendental meditation was big in the United States in the ’70s, due in large part to the Beatles going to India to
study it with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. When they
returned singing its praises, TM classes and instructors began popping up everywhere.
My introduction to it came when I transitioned from
bodybuilding to acting, and things were moving fast.
I was getting ready to do the movie Stay Hungry, still
training, and managing my businesses. Back then I wasn’t nearly as expert at multitasking as I am now, and I knew I needed some help.
There was a guy who taught TM on the beach near where I lived, so I asked if he’d guide me. With TM, one of the most
difficult things you can do is to not think of anything.
Even when you’re sleeping, you’re dreaming. 
So the first step is to work at clearing your head of all the thoughts running through it. The rent that needs paying? Forget about it. 
That presentation that’s due tomorrow? It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you clear your mind. To help with
this, you recite mantras repeatedly.
The idea is that the mantras replace active thought and lull you into a meditative state. You do this for 15 to 20 minutes a
It’s hard to get at first, but each time you do it, it becomes a little easier. As I got better at TM, I found my ability to focus
was improving.
I was increasingly better able to compartmentalise my
thoughts and stay calm when the pressure was on. After a while, I found that I didn’t even need to meditate any more. The state of mind I achieved became ingrained in me.
Whether your goal is to improve your physique or any other part of your life, I recommend you give meditation a shot. It’s the secret to my success.

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