AARON SWEET is sticking with
traditional bodybuilding practices and
thriving as a result.

JUST A FEW years ago Aaron Sweet was still battling his ectomorph genetics. Now, at 46, he has the physique of a fitness model thanks to an old-school bodybuilding diet and training regimen.
“Every week it seems a new diet comes out,” says Sweet, who’s a project manager at Can Do Fitness in Edgewater, NJ. “Are they really that great?” He eschewed newer trends for a body- building diet of six small meals a day, keeping protein high and carbs in check. “It worked back then, and it still works now,” he says.  More important than any one approach, however, is the discipline to stick with it. “Everybody responds differently to dieting,” says  Sweet.
“After all these years of trial and error, I found that a very traditional bodybuilding diet worked for me. But you have to stick to it. And that can be hard, because it’s very boring. When friends want to go out for drinks after work, I don’t drink. You have to make a choice.”