Upgrade your pressing power and the size of your arms by building proficiency with the hardest dip
variation—the ring dip.
MASTERY OF THE di—pand all the physique and
performance benefits that come along with it—is a by-product of repetition. To that end, most guys beat the standard (or weighted) dip to death, never giving the ring dip a shot. This is partly a matter of availability, as most gyms don’t have gymnastics rings, and partly a matter of attitudes. (Who needs rings when you have parallel bars?)
The benefits of the ring dip, however, extend beyond
novelty. Ring dips force you into a much harder muscle
contraction and recruit a wealth of stabilizing muscles
that aren’t activated during a standard variation. Unlike a
dip station, the rings will sway back and forth during every
inch of the movement, forcing this contraction.
A staple in many CrossFit routines, ring dips work the
triceps, shoulders, and chest—just like standard dips—but they also heavily tax your core and a host of auxiliary muscles that support a full, proper range of motion.