Q Can i get shredded with bodyweight training?

A The problem with using body-weight training for fat loss is that it can be hard to perform calisthenic exercises at an intensity that’s high enough to sufficiently jack up your metabolism.
That’s what weight training does, allowing you to burn fat for days after a workout. Imagine using 80% of your max on squats for a set lasting 20 seconds, and compare
that to doing body-weight squats for the same interval. Which one do you think would crush more fat cells? The weighted squats, of course—they’re harder. With that said, body-weight training can be a great fat-loss tool when you pick the right exercises and keep the rest periods short to increase the intensity. Focus on big-muscle movements like squats, pull-ups, push-ups, and inverted rows. (These cause a greater metabolic disturbance than crunches, for instance.) In addition, you may
need to train for a little longer to compensate for the relative lack of intensity.